FGS Meetings
Annual General Meeting
Held on Sunday 23rd June 2013 at The Greenwood Centre School Road Hampton Hill,Middlesex TW12 1QL and hosted by Greenwood Classical Guitar Society.
See here some pictures from the event.
This year's AGM and play-along day will take place on Sun 23 June 2013 10.30-4.30
The host this year will be The Greenwood Guitar Society.
The event will be restricted to 60 people and as last year the fee will be £10 which will include a buffet lunch.
The various societies may perform, if they wish, up to three pieces in the afternoon session and as usual there will be a large play-along session, with rehearsals in the morning and a performance in the afternoon.
Videos from the day can be seen on You Tube
The short AGM will take place midday, after the buffet.
If interested please forward a cheque for your group, with names of participants.Cheques should be made out to Martin Shaw and sent to Greenwood Guitar Society, C/O 54 Lion Road,Twickenham,Middlesex TW1 4JF
Closing Date 1 June 2013.